Topics and Expertise: pharmacokinetics

UCSF researchers develop a new drug regimen to combat malaria in children

Study shows that monthly doses of two common anti-malarial drugs for the first few years of life can provide 95 percent protection against the disease.

Aweeka study details impact of HIV drugs on malaria treatment in children

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to a billion people and to overlapping health burdens, including the world’s highest rates of both malaria and HIV infection.

Yang study demonstrates simulator to study antibiotic dosing against biofilms

Nearly every human bacterial infection—including some of the most serious, life threatening, and costly to treat—can take the form of a biofilm, in which bacteria aggregate into structured communities that enclose themselves within a secreted slime.

Reflection: 30 years of top NIH funding for UCSF School of Pharmacy

Table of contents

Budget significance
Reasons for past success
A decade of funding for bioinformatics
New drug discovery directions attract support
Research stalwarts draw funding for decades
New directions in translational research attract support
Expansion of the School’s...